Friday, November 17, 2017

Stocking a Healthy Fridge

Keep healthy food in your fridge and, at home, you'll eat healthy! It's as simple as that!
  Stocking your fridge after moving into a new home can take time. You start out with basic things then add in those more unusual ingredients and before you know it, the fridge is full! 

My first shopping trip created this fridge above. Not a bad start but still gotta add cheese, condiments, eggs, and nondairy milk... Things to get as I need them. 

What I like to always have on hand:

Drinks: Water, Kombucha, drinking vinegar, drink mixers (sparkling water, ginger beer, limeade...), and fun drinks (wine/beer/hard cider)

Greens: Salad greens such as arugula, mache, romaine and smoothie greens such as kale and spinach

Fruit: fresh berries, bananas, lemons, limes, and seasonal finds

Veggies: avocado, sweet potatoes, garlic, onion (red), cucumbers, bell peppers, and carrots

Dairy: nondairy milk (still searching for my fave!), yogurts, cheese, and eggs

Healthy Condiments: salad dressings, hummus, hot sauce, wraps, hemp hearts, chia seeds, bee pollen, chia seeds, and flax meal

Meat: salmon fillets, chicken breasts, ground turkey, and bison steaks (my favorite!)

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